Solidity Version Management

Installation Folder

By default, solc versions are installed at ~/.solcx/. Each installed version is named using the following pattern: solc-v[MAJOR].[MINOR].[PATH]

If you wish to install to a different directory you can specify it with the SOLCX_BINARY_PATH environment variable. You can also give a custom directory to most installation functions using the optional solcx_binary_path keyword argument.


Return the directory where py-solc-x stores installed solc binaries.

>>> solcx.get_solcx_install_folder()

Getting and Setting the Active Version

When py-solc-x is imported, it attempts to locate an installed version of solc using which on Linux or OSX systems, or where.exe on Windows. If found, this version is set as the active version. If not found, it uses the latest version that has been installed by py-solc-x.

Getting the Active Version

Use the following methods to check the active solc version:


Return the version of the current active solc binary, as a Version object.

  • with_commit_hash: If True, the returned version includes the commit hash
>>> solcx.get_solc_version()

>>> solcx.get_solc_version(True)
solcx.install.get_executable(version=None, solcx_binary_path=None)

Return a Path object for a solc binary.

If no arguments are given, returns the current active version. If a version is specified, returns the installed binary matching the given version.

Raises SolcNotInstalled if no binary is found.

>>> solcx.install.get_executable()

Return a list of currently installed solc versions.

>>> solcx.get_installed_solc_versions()
[Version('0.7.0'), Version('0.6.8'), Version('0.6.3'), Version('0.5.7'), Version('0.4.25')]

Setting the Active Version

solcx.set_solc_version(version, silent=False, solcx_binary_path=None)

Set the currently active solc version.

>>> solcx.set_solc_version('0.5.0')
solcx.set_solc_version_pragma(pragma_string, silent=False, check_new=False)

Set the currently active solc binary based on a pragma statement.

The newest installed version that matches the pragma is chosen. Raises SolcNotInstalled if no installed versions match.

>>> solcx.set_solc_version_pragma('pragma solidity ^0.5.0;')

Importing Already-Installed Versions


Search for and copy installed solc versions into the local installation folder.

This function is especially useful on OSX, to access Solidity versions that you have installed from homebrew and where a precompiled binary is not available.

>>> solcx.import_installed_solc()
[Version('0.7.0'), Version('0.6.12')]

Installing Solidity

py-solc-x downloads and installs precompiled binaries from Different binaries are available depending on your operating system.

Getting Installable Versions


Return a list of all solc versions that can be installed by py-solc-x.

>>> solcx.get_installable_solc_versions()
[Version('0.7.0'), Version('0.6.12'), Version('0.6.11'), Version('0.6.10'), Version('0.6.9'), Version('0.6.8'), Version('0.6.7'), Version('0.6.6'), Version('0.6.5'), Version('0.6.4'), Version('0.6.3'), Version('0.6.2'), Version('0.6.1'), Version('0.6.0'), Version('0.5.17'), Version('0.5.16'), Version('0.5.15'), Version('0.5.14'), Version('0.5.13'), Version('0.5.12'), Version('0.5.11'), Version('0.5.10'), Version('0.5.9'), Version('0.5.8'), Version('0.5.7'), Version('0.5.6'), Version('0.5.5'), Version('0.5.4'), Version('0.5.3'), Version('0.5.2'), Version('0.5.1'), Version('0.5.0'), Version('0.4.26'), Version('0.4.25'), Version('0.4.24'), Version('0.4.23'), Version('0.4.22'), Version('0.4.21'), Version('0.4.20'), Version('0.4.19'), Version('0.4.18'), Version('0.4.17'), Version('0.4.16'), Version('0.4.15'), Version('0.4.14'), Version('0.4.13'), Version('0.4.12'), Version('0.4.11')]

Installing Precompiled Binaries

solcx.install_solc(version="latest", show_progress=False, solcx_binary_path=None)

Download and install a precompiled solc binary.

version str | Version
Version of solc to install. Default is the newest available version.
show_progress bool
If True, display a progress bar while downloading. Requires installing the tqdm package.
solcx_binary_path Path | str
User-defined path, used to override the default installation directory.

Building from Source

When a precompiled version of Solidity isn’t available for your operating system, you may still install it by building from the source code. Source code is downloaded from Github.


If you wish to compile from source you must first install the required solc dependencies.

Getting Compilable Versions


Return a list of all solc versions that can be installed by py-solc-x.

headers Dict
Headers to include in the request to Github.
>>> solcx.get_compilable_solc_versions()
[Version('0.7.0'), Version('0.6.12'), Version('0.6.11'), Version('0.6.10'), Version('0.6.9'), Version('0.6.8'), Version('0.6.7'), Version('0.6.6'), Version('0.6.5'), Version('0.6.4'), Version('0.6.3'), Version('0.6.2'), Version('0.6.1'), Version('0.6.0'), Version('0.5.17'), Version('0.5.16'), Version('0.5.15'), Version('0.5.14'), Version('0.5.13'), Version('0.5.12'), Version('0.5.11'), Version('0.5.10'), Version('0.5.9'), Version('0.5.8'), Version('0.5.7'), Version('0.5.6'), Version('0.5.5'), Version('0.5.4'), Version('0.5.3'), Version('0.5.2'), Version('0.5.1'), Version('0.5.0'), Version('0.4.26'), Version('0.4.25'), Version('0.4.24'), Version('0.4.23'), Version('0.4.22'), Version('0.4.21'), Version('0.4.20'), Version('0.4.19'), Version('0.4.18'), Version('0.4.17'), Version('0.4.16'), Version('0.4.15'), Version('0.4.14'), Version('0.4.13'), Version('0.4.12'), Version('0.4.11')]

Compiling Solidity from Source

solcx.compile_solc(version, show_progress=False, solcx_binary_path=None)

Install a version of solc by downloading and compiling source code.

This function is only available when using Linux or OSX.


version str | Version
Version of solc to install.
show_progress bool
If True, display a progress bar while downloading. Requires installing the tqdm package.
solcx_binary_path Path | str
User-defined path, used to override the default installation directory.