The Low-Level Process Wrapper

Along with the main compiler functions, you can also directly call solc using the low-level wrapper.

solc_wrapper(solc_binary=None, stdin=None, source_files=None, import_remappings=None, success_return_code=None, **kwargs)

Wrapper function for calling to solc.

Returns the process stdout as a string, stderr as a string, the full command executed as a list of strings, and the completed Popen object used to call solc.


solc_binary : Path | str
Location of the solc binary. If not given, the current default binary is used.
stdin : str
Input to pass to solc via stdin
source_files List | Path | str
Solidity source file, or list of source files, to be compiled. Files may be given as strings or Path objects.
import_remappings : Dict | List | str
Path remappings. May be given as a string or list of strings formatted as "prefix=path" or a dict of {"prefix": "path"}
success_return_code : int
Expected exit code. Raises SolcError if the process returns a different value. Defaults to 0.
**kwargs Any

Flags to be passed to solc. Keywords are converted to flags by prepending -- and replacing _ with -, for example the keyword evm_version becomes --evm-version. Values may be given in the following formats:

  • False or None: The flag is ignored
  • True: The flag is passed to the compiler without any arguments
  • str: The value is given as an argument without any modification
  • int: The value is converted to a string
  • Path: The value is converted to a string via Path.as_posix
  • List or Tuple: Elements in the sequence are converted to strings and joined with ,